Development, import and shop management of products from Asia, ensuring customization, quality and value to help improve the life quality of the consumer and profitability of our client

Our Services
We guarantee personalization, quality and good price.
Products RAS
Since the late 90s, HAS Products has accumulated countless experiences that have helped to develop the mechanisms to have a high success rate, which translates into a lower risk of the importer.
With almost 15 years of experience, HAS Products SA has specialiled in providing customer experienw (company or person wishing to import goods directly or indirectty from Asia) through the application of specific knowledge designed over years of experienw in imports of all kinds.
cosmético y belleza Cosmetics and beauty department
cosmético y belleza Cosmetics and beauty department
Envases para fragancias (Fragrance glass bottles) Brochas (Brushes) Accesorios de belleza (Beauty accessories) Cases para labiales (Lipstick Cases) Producto terminado Ana Beatriz Andrino Manager
Productos para el hogar Household and technology
Productos para el hogar Household and technology
Electrodomesticos (Electrical appliances) Textil (Textile) Articulos de cocina (Kitchen appliances) Muebles (Furniture) Celulares y accesorios (Cell phones and accessories) Haymee Quevedo Manager
 Construcción / Construction
Construcción / Construction
Sistemas de almacenaje (Racks) Maquinara industrial, Gruas y otros (Industrial machinery) Acabados arquitectónicos (Architectural finishes) Construcción, obra gris Silvia González Manager
Químicos y farmacéutico Chemists and pharmacist
Químicos y farmacéutico Chemists and pharmacist
Envases de vidrio (Glass bottles) Envases PET (PET bottles) Envases oftalmico (Ophthalmic bottles) Claudia Quezada Manager